Thursday 25 September 2014

Writing in Week 10

This week our writing task has been to publish a "Treasure" story. There have been some wonderful collaborations going on, as well as some terrific work by individuals. It is amazing how one broad topic can lead in so many creative directions.
We talked about the importance of a plan - particularly important so that the writer has an idea of where to head, rather than staying stuck on the openings! We also talked about the need for a problem and seeking a resolution to that issue.
So here are some great openings ( Just a sample!)....

The ship was swaying side to side but Oli knew that the sturdy ship would see it through. Oli was a crew member on an immigrant ship that was travelling to Australia from England and it was half way there.The ship was called the Wave Rider. The hustle and bustle aboard the ship was being caused by a bunch of immigrants that were worried about the incoming storm. When there was shouting many of the crew members got up to see what was going on.

The last of the evening sun filtered between the ghostly stones of the ruins as a laughing child darted between the fallen stones.
"Emily, where are you? You're starting to freak me out," called an auburn haired teen. "We need to get back. It's not funny anymore."
"Come find me," Emily giggled.
The girl, Grace, turned frantically around, searching.
Her voice grew steadily higher as she said,"No really it's starting to get dark and this place is really creepi..."
She trailed off. A pinprick of blue light had appeared in front of her.
"Emily, we need to get out of here now," she said as she backed cautiously away. Emily's head popped over the stones and her dark eyes grew wide in shock. The light began to pulse and swirl growing larger and faster, the striking blue light reflecting off Emily's glasses.
"Emily run!" screeched Grace, seconds before the light imploded in an array of turquoise beams, the earth swallowing the ruins and Grace with it as it went.

Once upon a time there lived three great pirates, who were stuck on a boat in the middle of the sea. They were searching for an adventure of their own and hoping to find booty (treasure). Their names were Octoe, Guts and Rodger. Octoe was the maturest out of the group. He was an Old Salt (experienced sailor) who kept things in Ship Shape. Guts and Rodger on the other hand were the complete opposite of Octoe, both were always fooling around and mucking about. They would always fight and argue with each other, and they did NOT get along with one another. All three were hugely competitive and they would have individual competitions to see who was the best out of them all. Off they set ,on their journey.

On a moonlit beach, a shadow flickered on the sand. The shadow continued to move at a slow but steady pace.
“I haven’t seen you in a while,” came a voice.
“I need you.  NOW!!!”

We had been having a hard time lately and what was about to happen didn't help at all.
It all started on the stormiest seas i had ever seen in my lifelong career of sailing and we were nearing a patch of jagged rocks that could easily shred our ship to pieces,never to be                   recovered.

“Come back” Darrell shouted, his words getting lost in the wind. “Noooo,” Darrell said watching the ship slowly drift into the distance. Thinking he was going to die in the middle of the ocean Darrel could see a glimpse of a small island in the distance. After hours of tireless swimming Darrel finally made it to the lost island.

Three years later…

Monday 15 September 2014

What's happening in Technology at the moment!

Last week I asked Pip and Flynn to record something from their technology classes . They did a great job and put some photos together for this post.

 As you can see at the moment Room 11 is either with Mr Sutherland in Wood and Plastics or with Mrs Houghton in Electronics.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Keith Haring update.

Today was a non-technology Thursday, so we resumed our lesson on Keith Haring and his art works. The students were given a choice of activities and we saw the 1 1/2 hours fly by! My highlight was the engagement shown by the Room 11 boys!

Tristan da Cunha from Tom, Oscar and Tom!

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Sam S, Junior and Eli's fotobabble

Radio Ad from Bella's group

Fotobabble from Julian, Flynn and Sam F (and Minecraft!)

Tristan da Cunha Advertisement by Flora, Hannah and Olivia

More Social Dancing!

What a wet week! Today we had a Social Dance session with the three Year 7 Sheppard classes. It was so great to see the improvements from yesterday even! Here's a Pic collage of some Maxina moves!
 You may see that it was a mufti day today. Our theme was based on our upcoming school "production/film" based on HNI's last 40 years. We were invited to come along today in our 70's, 80's and 90's gear!
Smart looking lot aren't we!

Pip, Henry, Harry and Jacob's Radio advertisement

Alice, Maisie, Nina and Christina's radio advertisement!