Friday 18 September 2015

In Search Of Beauty!

This week Room 11 has been discussing and researching our thoughts on the meaning of "Beauty". We definitely have some strong opinions on what is NOT beautiful.
We have looked into some fashion trends that really don't look that great to us, as well as finding out how differing cultures have a quite differing views on beauty. The videos we watched on foot binding in China and African scarification rituals made a big impact!
At the moment we are trying to come up with our own idea - the Perfect man or woman!

Friday 4 September 2015

Year 7 Mathletics

This morning the Year 7 students took to the Hall for "MATHLETICS". Working in small groups, with Miss Hooper's class as markers, the students had to work together to do a lot of problem solving! Well done guys - it was great to see Team work, effort and a cool attitude!