Thursday, 20 March 2014

Week before CAMP!

It's really amazing to think that this time in a week we will be at Lakes Ranch! After this busy week it will probably feel like a holiday??!! I know that there are lots of students really looking forward to the challenge that EOTC week brings.
Several highlights for me this week, including homework tasks, athletics sports and introducing some students to some great news websites.
Homework: this week Tamar made a Pinata and we had a whole lot of fun with that.

 We also had crystals made, fitness plans developed, animals created and a range of people "built" for us.

 The HNI Athletics Day was on Tuesday and it was a full-on, hot day! I was SO impressed by the Room 11 students; their attitude and participation in the various events was wonderful.

And today, with students away at Softball, HBHS and choir, those of us remaining spent reading checking up on a range of news stories from around the world!

So that was a brief glimpse of Week 7. Look forward to lots of camp photos and stories in a couple of weeks :)

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