Thursday, 7 August 2014

Writing for different audience

This week, in Writing, we have been thinking about writing for an audience as well as being persuasive. We have completed a range of tasks from paired speeches, through to looking at how to plan a persuasive piece of writing and ended up with today's activity of thinking about your audience.

Writing speeches
The idea today was to take a newspaper article and "Change It" into a different genre - suitable for a different audience.
We began by brainstorming different types of writing - humour, gossip magazine, science fiction, fantasy, romance, tweets and texts as well as scripts.

Original Text: A newspaper report!          
                                                       New writing form: action
                       adventure story
Another Police Chase                                 
involving Teens                               Wild Boys

Two teenage boys were                            Crash! Another table flew
allegedly throwing chairs      across Phillipe’s restaurant
and tables at a local      and crumpled in a heap in the
restaurant in Westlands      corner. Roger and Brett laughed
on Friday night. They then      raucously as they scanned the
bolted from the restaurant      restaurant and admired their
when they heard the      work. Only the three tables with
manager calling the police.       customers remained in place.
A high-speed chase ensued      Tentatively the customers began
around central Westland’s      to scuttle towards the door,
streets.      keeping their eyes firmly fixed
   on the villains.
Suddenly the paniced voice
of the manager could be heard
pleading for help. Roger and
Brett glanced at one another
and bolted from the restaurant,
slamming the door behind them.

A couple of groups really liked the idea of a movie script. So while one group headed off with ipad to make an imovie another group headed up to the field to practise their version of a high speed chase!!

(No one was harmed in the making of this collage!)

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