Friday 20 May 2016

Week 3

This week Room 10 has been
  • in Literacy finishing our learning about writing recounts and begun looking at persuasive texts. We have also been practising evaluating the reliability of a text.  One skill we focused on was triangulating our online research by cross-checking with other trusted sites. We found out that not all websites can be trusted - no matter how good they look! Also Mrs Burch had a fun lesson with plays and drama!
  • In Maths looking at transformation. Transformation includes, translation, rotation, reflection and enlargement. Mrs Goodwin had us looking at flags of the world that had Rotational symmetry.
  • In Inquiry focusing on different body systems - working through their project in pairs. This afternoon we looked into the human body through this BBC website

We also sat two e-asttle tests this week; one in reading and one in maths!

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