Thursday, 29 May 2014

Wednesday of Week 4

I want to thank Room 11 for their co-operation today. I have lost my voice and the class has been great - listening carefully to me. I've really appreciated it!

 Today we had a game of "Crab Soccer" with Room 9. It was great to hear Mr Bussell praising the boys for their readiness to join other teams. It was lots of fun and maybe a game we will play again!
Was that a goal?

Where did the ball go?

I've got it!!

All on the move...

 Yesterday during Inquiry we looked at the types of questions that the students should be using for their interviews. We had a good session looking t the difference between "fat" and "skinny" questions.

This afternoon we took a break from our Inquiry ladder activity and looked at some Thinkers Skills tasks. Maisie's use of false teeth was one task that stood out for me! However there was some very creative thinking going on around the classroom!

So that was our day!

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Week 3 of the second term

This week has been a short one for me as I have been away.

I have come back though to Student-Led Conferences and have found it really positive and interesting to hear the students talk about their learning, their highlights and goals. Well done to those of you who had prepared your "scripts" and had work to share that you were proud of!
Subject discussions
In reading I have been… learning about the Highwayman. Our class each made a filmstrip, I will show you what I have done.
I chose this work to show you because… I really enjoyed retelling the story in my own way, by drawing pictures on a filmstrip.
My goal in reading is… to use reading strategies more often when I get stuck. e.g questioning, inferring, skimming, scanning and visualising.
In maths I have been… doing Statistical investigations with the class. I learnt lots of different ways to plot my information.
I chose this work because… I want to show you how many different types of ways I can record my information.
My goal in maths is… to learn all my times tables and answer them as quick as I can.
In writing I have been… learning to write character descriptions, how to use a burger planning format.
I chose this work because… I want to show you what I have wrote about Connor and how to use the burger format.
My goal in writing is… think about where to use punctuation correctly.


So far at school, I have especially enjoyed… Music with Mrs McHattie because I have learnt how to play the drums and guitar. I have also learnt some theory and History of Music players.
It is easiest for me to be successful in… art because I love to draw and create pieces of art.
It takes more work for me to be successful in… Science because I haven't learnt Science for a while. When I went to Science in Technology it was lots of information to remember.
The way I like to work best is… in pairs or in a group because I find it easier when there is somebody to help you.
I would describe my using of the school values as… successful because i don’t break the school values and I don’t get into trouble

Yesterday Hannah brought in one of her noughts and crosses homework tasks - a breakfast cereal! She shared not only her packaging but also gave the class a sample to try!

Last week Mrs Bassett sent through some photos from Food technology.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

A New Term

What great weather we've had to start off a new term!
Yesterday during PE we did the dreaded beep test! Henry took out the top spot - with Oscar not far behind.
Today we used Pippin and Sam S's umpiring skills to have a game of soccer. It's great to be able to use the skills and talents of our pupils.
Inside Room 11 itself we have been working with our new learning buddies. Yesterday the students checked each others Term 1 camp recounts - providing them with 2 "stars" and 1 "wish" - good points and items to work on:

 We also began brainstorming ideas for our term theme of The Human Machine.
 Time was also spent sharing last term's work. Here are some of the activities that were created during our learning about the NZ Identity:
Cairo's diarama

Ellie's Snakes and Ladders

Olivia's Board Game

Tamar's Game

Julian's ANZAC scene

That's a quick look at the start of our term :)