Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Te Reo Learning - Music Preferences

For the past few weeks for Te Reo, Room 10 have been learning how to ask and respond to questions about their music preferences. The phrases we have been practising are...

He pai ake kiau nga waiata _(type of music)_- I prefer _______ music.
He pai ki a koe nga waiata _(type of music)_? - Do you like _____ music?
He kaiwaiata pai a _(name of singer)_ ki a koe? - Do you like the singer ______?

He pai ki a _(person's name)_ nga waiata _(type of music)_ - _______ likes ______.
Kaore i te pai ki a _(person's name)_ nga waiata _(type of music)_ - ______ dislikes _____.

ae - yes
kao - no

Today the students had 10 minutes to write a script and perform a small skit using some of the phrases. Here are two of the skits...

Banksy Inspired Art

As part of our Art and Change Makers inquiry unit this term we have been looking at the UK artist Banksy. We learnt that his graffiti art often had a social or political message behind it. We then came up with our own designs based on an issue that is current and relevant to us. Some students did their design based on a school issue, some looked at the Olympics, some looked at issues NZ are facing at the moment and some looked at wider world issues. We then made a stencil of our design - this was rather tricky! Finally we spray painted our stencil designs onto our 'brick wall'.

See if you can figure out some of the 'social messages' behind our designs.

Friday, 12 August 2016

Cross Country

Today was Cross Country! After a week of cold weather, this afternoon was a pleasant surprise!
Well done to ALL in Room 10 who took part today:)

Monday, 8 August 2016

Change Makers Brainstorm

Today for inquiry we brainstormed different 'change makers' we knew of and wrote a brief reason why we thought they were a 'change maker'. Everyone put at least one idea onto our class padlet.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Flip Learning For Our Class Novel - Life in the 1970s

In Room 10 we have started reading a new novel Conrad Coopers Last Stand by Leonie Agnew - a book that was set in New Zealand in 1978. Before we started reading the novel, we did some flip learning on some of the background knowledge of topics that are raised in the book. Our class was split into groups and each group was given a topic based on what needed to be covered. They then had to research their topic and present their findings to the class, teaching them about their topic.

Instead of showing you each groups presentations, we have summerised the information in the form of a newspaper from 1978.

The group topics for their presentations were:
- Bastion Point Protests
- The lead up to the Bastion Point Protests
- Music in the 1970s
- Fashion in the 1970s
- The Petrol Crisis and car-less days
- TV Shows in the 1970s

And also (related to the novel but not the 1970s)...
- Irish Legends
- Project Crimson