Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Flip Learning For Our Class Novel - Life in the 1970s

In Room 10 we have started reading a new novel Conrad Coopers Last Stand by Leonie Agnew - a book that was set in New Zealand in 1978. Before we started reading the novel, we did some flip learning on some of the background knowledge of topics that are raised in the book. Our class was split into groups and each group was given a topic based on what needed to be covered. They then had to research their topic and present their findings to the class, teaching them about their topic.

Instead of showing you each groups presentations, we have summerised the information in the form of a newspaper from 1978.

The group topics for their presentations were:
- Bastion Point Protests
- The lead up to the Bastion Point Protests
- Music in the 1970s
- Fashion in the 1970s
- The Petrol Crisis and car-less days
- TV Shows in the 1970s

And also (related to the novel but not the 1970s)...
- Irish Legends
- Project Crimson

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