Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Te Reo Learning - Music Preferences

For the past few weeks for Te Reo, Room 10 have been learning how to ask and respond to questions about their music preferences. The phrases we have been practising are...

He pai ake kiau nga waiata _(type of music)_- I prefer _______ music.
He pai ki a koe nga waiata _(type of music)_? - Do you like _____ music?
He kaiwaiata pai a _(name of singer)_ ki a koe? - Do you like the singer ______?

He pai ki a _(person's name)_ nga waiata _(type of music)_ - _______ likes ______.
Kaore i te pai ki a _(person's name)_ nga waiata _(type of music)_ - ______ dislikes _____.

ae - yes
kao - no

Today the students had 10 minutes to write a script and perform a small skit using some of the phrases. Here are two of the skits...

1 comment:

  1. I always struggle with keeping this new learning alive in the classroom. Have you found success with students using this te reo in general class interactions?
