Wednesday 7 December 2016

Some Christmas Drama!

The boys took some inspiration from all the Christmas advertisements on TV and gave us their own version this afternoon!!

Monday 5 December 2016

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Tuesday PE

It was a small group today for PE. After a discussion we decided on Line tag for a warm up and Rippa Rugby for our game!!

Thursday 24 November 2016

Recycled Art

As part of our sustainability unit Room 10 started a recycled art project today! Keep your eyes peeled to find out what these creative people are making from recycled egg cartons!

Tuesday 22 November 2016

PE on a Tuesday afternoon!

It was a hot afternoon and after a bit of discussion Room 10 decided to have a few different sports up and going today  - Padder Tennis, Basketball and Netball, as well as Skipping!
Whilst looking for gear in the PE shed a set of "elastics" was uncovered and with the help of YOUTUBE some of the girls started to play ... Poppy and Livia!

Friday 4 November 2016

Athletics Day 2016

We had a great day out on the field today for our HNI Athletics 2016. Nepia house and room 10 students did a great job, coming in the top 4 for many of the events. We look forward to next week's assembly where they announce which house won and who the Athletics Champs are!

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Origami Cranes

Today for Art, and as part of our change makers unit, we did something a little bit different. A couple of students had mentioned they really wanted to do some origami. We have a couple of origami 'experts' in the class so today Leo (with the help of James) taught the class how to make an origami Crane. 

We also read about the Crane and learnt that traditionally, it was believed that if one folded 1000 origami cranes, one's wish would come true. It has also become a symbol of hope and healing during challenging times. As a result, it has become popular to fold 1000 cranes (in Japanese, called “senbazuru”). We didn't quite make 1000, but it was a good first attempt!

Friday 9 September 2016

What Makes Our Community Special

Last week for homework Room 10 students were asked to present in some way 'what made their community special'. Jack made an awesome video for his presentation, check it out by clicking on the link below!

Havelock North Art

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Picasso Faces

This afternoon students in Room 10 worked on some Picasso face ideas. Picasso was certainly a change maker in the art world and the class certainly changed up their faces!!

Sunday 4 September 2016

EIT Science Fair/Quiz

Miss Hawtin sent through these photos from Friday of Joe and Jack; congratulations to you both.
Well done Jena too, for your project, and also to all of the Room 10's science quiz teams' members - Max, Leo and Joe!

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Te Reo Learning - Music Preferences

For the past few weeks for Te Reo, Room 10 have been learning how to ask and respond to questions about their music preferences. The phrases we have been practising are...

He pai ake kiau nga waiata _(type of music)_- I prefer _______ music.
He pai ki a koe nga waiata _(type of music)_? - Do you like _____ music?
He kaiwaiata pai a _(name of singer)_ ki a koe? - Do you like the singer ______?

He pai ki a _(person's name)_ nga waiata _(type of music)_ - _______ likes ______.
Kaore i te pai ki a _(person's name)_ nga waiata _(type of music)_ - ______ dislikes _____.

ae - yes
kao - no

Today the students had 10 minutes to write a script and perform a small skit using some of the phrases. Here are two of the skits...

Banksy Inspired Art

As part of our Art and Change Makers inquiry unit this term we have been looking at the UK artist Banksy. We learnt that his graffiti art often had a social or political message behind it. We then came up with our own designs based on an issue that is current and relevant to us. Some students did their design based on a school issue, some looked at the Olympics, some looked at issues NZ are facing at the moment and some looked at wider world issues. We then made a stencil of our design - this was rather tricky! Finally we spray painted our stencil designs onto our 'brick wall'.

See if you can figure out some of the 'social messages' behind our designs.

Friday 12 August 2016

Cross Country

Today was Cross Country! After a week of cold weather, this afternoon was a pleasant surprise!
Well done to ALL in Room 10 who took part today:)

Monday 8 August 2016

Change Makers Brainstorm

Today for inquiry we brainstormed different 'change makers' we knew of and wrote a brief reason why we thought they were a 'change maker'. Everyone put at least one idea onto our class padlet.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Flip Learning For Our Class Novel - Life in the 1970s

In Room 10 we have started reading a new novel Conrad Coopers Last Stand by Leonie Agnew - a book that was set in New Zealand in 1978. Before we started reading the novel, we did some flip learning on some of the background knowledge of topics that are raised in the book. Our class was split into groups and each group was given a topic based on what needed to be covered. They then had to research their topic and present their findings to the class, teaching them about their topic.

Instead of showing you each groups presentations, we have summerised the information in the form of a newspaper from 1978.

The group topics for their presentations were:
- Bastion Point Protests
- The lead up to the Bastion Point Protests
- Music in the 1970s
- Fashion in the 1970s
- The Petrol Crisis and car-less days
- TV Shows in the 1970s

And also (related to the novel but not the 1970s)...
- Irish Legends
- Project Crimson

Thursday 28 July 2016


On Wednesday afternoon Nepia House went out on to the field for the Beep Test. The girls went first, followed by the boys.
Well done to Tom, Leo and Dylan who made it to Level 9!

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Maori Language Week Movie

Here is Room 10s Te Reo Movie. In the short film we were required to show the use of one or more of the '50 Fun Phrases' for Maori Language Week 2016.

In the movie we used the following phrases in context...see if you can pick them out!

Ira! - Look at that!
Tau Ke Aotearoa! - Awesome New Zealand!
E oma! - Run!
Kia manawanui! - Hang in there!
Kaua e mate weke mate ururoa! - Don't die like an octopus, die like a hammer head shark!

Thursday 30 June 2016

Te Reo Movie in Room 10

For Te Reo room 10 have been practising using some common phrases. Today they made a short film using some of the phrases. Here's a sneak peak of what's to come...Mate Puru Putangitangi - Death in Paradise!

Monday 27 June 2016

Nepia Class Debates

Today we held our Nepia inter- class debates.
Room 10's speakers were Finn Grant, Daisy Phillips and Holly Renwick. The moot was that "Social Media does more harm than good." We were on the negative team and, with Molly and Max's help, had come up with some great arguments!
Unfortunately  the judges decided in Room 7's favour - but overall what a great team effort from Room 10.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Music in Room 10

Today in music we had the pleasure of listening to three performances.

The first performance was Holly, Molly and Daisy performing Bad Moon Rising.

The second performance was Joe on the drums.

The third performance was James playing a Greenday song on the guitar.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Room 10 Debates

Today Room 10 did an absolutely fabulous job with their debates. Today we heard all 5 debates and the standard was great!
Our topics were:
"You should have a License to own a drone."
"Competition is a good thing."
"Police in NZ should be armed."
"School Uniforms are important."
"Children today don't know how to play."

Monday 13 June 2016

Kiwi O

This afternoon Rooms 5 and 10 took part in a Kiwi O (orienteering) session. Several students had orienteered before, but for a few students it was their first time trying out this sport.
So today it was all about getting around HNI as quickly and accurately as possible! After the initial run most had one or two more attempts - either doing the course in the opposite direction or even trying it from memory!

Friday 10 June 2016

Matariki Kite Flying

This afternoon Room 10 and the rest of HNI went out on the field and flew (or attempted to fly...) our Matariki Kites! The students have been learning about Matariki and have spent 2 weeks designing and creating their own kites. They did a fantastic job! The conditions were perfect - lots of wind! After 40min of flying the skies opened up and it poured with rain - it was time to head back inside. Joe's large kite made for a good umbrella though....!!

Joe's large kite sheltering Mrs Burch from the rain!

Thursday 2 June 2016

Drama in Room 10!

This week the students in room 10 have been putting their acting skills to the test! Here's a couple of photos of the plays that were performed to the class and also some of the students having a go at the drama game 'freeze tag'!

Friday 27 May 2016

Group Work In Maths

For maths in room 10 have been finishing up our transformation topic. The last 2 sessions the students were working in small groups through a task on scale factors and areas of rectangles - and investigating the relationship between the two. Each group worked really well together, there were some great maths discussions happening and through lots of investigation we came up with the generalisation that 'whatever the scale factor you enlarge your rectangle by, the area is enlarged by the square of the scale factor'.

Name Skeleton Art

For art in room 10 we have been making 'Name Skeletons' as part of our inquiry topic 'The Incredible Human Machine'. You'll notice the torso for each skeleton is different - it's their names reflected! Along with a torso, arm bones, hands and skull, they had to include 4 other features, one of which had to be a headpiece or hat. They all turned out great!

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Reading in Week 4

This week we are reading a story written by Jack Lasenby from a very OLD School Journal - 1992!!
We are looking at how the author gets us thinking about social issues and how he makes us understand those issues from a certain perspective!

Friday 20 May 2016

Week 3

This week Room 10 has been
  • in Literacy finishing our learning about writing recounts and begun looking at persuasive texts. We have also been practising evaluating the reliability of a text.  One skill we focused on was triangulating our online research by cross-checking with other trusted sites. We found out that not all websites can be trusted - no matter how good they look! Also Mrs Burch had a fun lesson with plays and drama!
  • In Maths looking at transformation. Transformation includes, translation, rotation, reflection and enlargement. Mrs Goodwin had us looking at flags of the world that had Rotational symmetry.
  • In Inquiry focusing on different body systems - working through their project in pairs. This afternoon we looked into the human body through this BBC website

We also sat two e-asttle tests this week; one in reading and one in maths!

Friday 8 April 2016

Getting ready for Camp.

Thank you so much to the parents and students of Room 10 for their efforts getting us all ready for camp next week. Here's to a fun, challenging and successful few days!
I have really enjoyed reading through the comments made by parents on the students' pre-camp responsibility sheet. Here are a few of them:

It was to have my nightly drink made for me.

Could we please have one of these every week? We have had an extremely helpful person at our home this week.

He is very good at making his lunch!

Keep it up! (in reference to a tidy bedroom!)

Bedroom a bit messy but much improved.

Loved my cup of tea:)

It has great seeing ****** practice cleaning up after himself this week.

Thanks for a great week!

Friday 11 March 2016

Thinking Ahead to Kotahitanga Week

Room 10 have had a couple of days to think of some designs they would like to use on our 2016 Pou. There ideas were really good and they put a lot of thought and effort into how they would like to be portrayed.

Friday 12 February 2016

Week 2 in Room 10

This week has flown by! It was great to meet so many parents and caregivers on Wednesday evening.
Here are some photos from Nepia's morning session at the Village pools that same morning.